Health & Safety
Complex guidelines
For the safety and enjoyment of all please adhere to the following rules:
- The natural geothermal water used in the pools can contain naturally occurring organisms and Waikite Valley Hotpools recommends patrons to please keep their head above water while bathing, as ingestion of the water can result in illness.
- Children 8 years old and under must be actively supervised by a caregiver 16 years and older. The caregiver must be able to provide immediate assistance to the child if required.
- No children under the age of 16 will be permitted entry without an adult.
- There must be a minimum of 2 adults, aged 16 years +, in a private pool at all times.
- Consecutive 40 minute private pool sessions are not permitted.
- No diving or jumping into the pools.
- No running around the complex.
- No lifting (shoulder riding) in the pools.
- Swimwear/appropriate clothing must be worn at all times whilst in the pools.
- Infants must wear swimming nappies, these can be purchased at reception.
- No food or drink in the pools (beside drinking water).
- No sportsgear in the pools.
- No smoking or vaping.
- No pets are permitted inside the pool complex. Exceptions will be made for guide dogs and others of the like.
- No BBQ’s or cooking apparatus to be in the pool complex.
- All picnic food must be consumed on the picnic tables by the settlers pool, not in the cafe.
- The use of cameras must respect the privacy of other pool users.
- No drones.
- All danger signs in and around the complex must be adhered to and restricted areas must not be entered.
- This is a Family Friendly Complex. In the event of excess noise after 9pm (21.00hrs ) or anti social behavior occurring, your campsite occupants will be asked to leave without the option of a refund.
- Customers are not permitted to bring their own alcohol into the complex.
- No braziers or open fires in the campground.
- Always stay on the path provided and refrain from climbing on the fences or barriers when doing the Eco Trail.
- Children are not to be unaccompanied on the Eco Trail.
- Campers are not to swim before 6am and must not swim alone before 8:30am before staff arrive.
- Strictly no late check outs.
For the safety and enjoyment of all please adhere to the following recommendations:
- Rehydrate with water while using pools.
- Any patrons with underlying medical conditions get in contact with their doctor if they have any reservations about using our hot pools.
- Check the depth and temperature of the pool before entering.
- All clothing/valuables be left in lockers. Waikite Valley Hotpools does not accept responsibility for any damage or loss of belongings.
- Treat all surfaces as slippery, take extra care.
- Do not to swim after consuming alcoholic beverages.
- Exit the pools if you feel unwell.
- Request medical attention if unwell.
Visiting Groups Risk Assessment and Management
Given that this is a water-based activity, we require a ratio of 1:2 (Adults : Children 4 years old and under) and a ratio of 1:4 (Adults : Children 5 - 11 years old). Active supervision at all times is the responsibility of the group organiser/leader. Active supervision means watching the child at all times and being able to provide immediate help. The adult/s must be close enough to see the child, be seen by the child, hear the child, be heard by the child and reach the child immediately if they need help. Supervision at all times is the responsibility of the group organiser/leader. The group organiser/leader must first see management for instructions before the children enter the pool premises. School groups will generally be restricted to the splash pool.
Risk Assessment & Management Form
You can view and download out Risk Assessment & Management Form here.
Download Form (PDF)